Welcome to Dale's Homemade Robots
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Sep. 17 2020: As you may have guessed, there was no DragonCon Robot Battles this year because of the pandemic.
Dec. 5 2019: The CMSMS code running this site has been upgraded. It was a long struggle and I might have broken a thing or two. You can report any weirdness using my contact page.
Robot Battles 68 highlights
Robot Battles 66 highlights
Robot Battles 65 at MomoCon highlights
Pushy Grabber, a giant 30# version of Huggy Bear.
Huggy Bear Mini Sumo Bot - a totally new design
New beetle bot: Noodles ( updated with battle damage photos 9-8-16 )
New robot! Electric Whirligig
Added new calculator for bar spinner weapons. Compute the Ke and tip speed of your spinning bar weapon.
Death by twinkies ant weight combat bot (updated May 21, 2015)
How to make Ooma Telo and Apple Airport get along
Added video of a new bot weapon to slow motion page.
iRoll - A Segway-like human transport thing that balances on a bowling ball
Ball Balancer A radio control balancing robot.
Added a 10GHZ microwave beacon tracker to the Polymax 9000 robot. Video, photos and text here.
Disclaimer:The information and programs on this site are provided "as-is," without any express or implied warranty. In no event shall Dale A. Heatherington be held liable for any damages arising from the use of information or programs on this website. |
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Next page: A Brief Technical History of Dale